- Implementation of Micro Community Feature
The Micro Community feature of the GluedIn SDK can be plugged-in into any page within an existing business application. It facilitates users to create & upload content related to a particular offering. The system also incentivises user participation through a reward mechanism and encourages healthy competition with a leaderboard highlighting the top contributors. The goal is to enhance user engagement and drive business growth. Refer the link for detailed integration steps.
- Refactor of existing GluedInSDKCallBack callbacks into GIInitCallback & GISdkCallback
- GIInitCallback : for the SDK lifecycle related events. Use the setSdkInitCallback method of GluedInConfiguration to set the callback object.
onSDKLifecycle() method of the callback returns SDKInitStatus (SDK_INIT, SDK_EXIT & SDK_AUTH) to consume and handle SDK lifecycles properly.
- GISdkCallback : for the user actions performed in SDK. Use the setSdkCallback method of GluedInConfiguration to set the callback object. Below are the method to be called on respective user action.
fun onUserAuthStatus(userAuthStatus:UserAuthStatus,currentVideo: VideoInfo?)
fun onShareAction(shareData: ShareData)
fun onProductClick(assetId: String, eventRefId: Int)
fun onUserProfileClick(userId: String)
fun onAdsRequest(adsType: AdsType, adsRequestParams: AdsRequestParams): Fragment?
fun onRewardClick()