Activity Timeline SDK methods
Method |
Method detail |
getTimelineDetails() |
Used to get the user activity details (like/share/comment counts) of the logged in user.
getTimeLineVideoList() |
It returns a list of videos based on parameters( like, comment and share) Ex: list of liked videos, list of shared videos or commented on videos.
updateContentLike() |
Used to like/unlike the content for the logged in user. These events can be fetched via getTimeLineVideoList() method of Activity Timeline SDK.
postContentShareEvent() |
Used to log the share event on the content for the logged in user. These events can be fetched via getTimeLineVideoList() method of Activity Timeline SDK.
postContentViewEvent() |
Used to log the view event on the content for the logged in user. These events can be fetched via getTimeLineVideoList() method of Activity Timeline SDK.
checkUserNameAvailability() |
Used to check if the user name is available or not. Simultaneously use editUserProfile() to update the logged in user details.
postContentComment() |
Used to post a new comment on particular content by a logged in user.
updateContentComment() |
Used to edit any existing comment on content of the logged in user.
deleteContentComment() |
Used to delete a comment on content of the logged in user.
getCommentReplyList() |
Used to fetch all replies of any comment in a content.
getCommentReportOptions() |
Used to submit the selected report option to report a comment.
postCommentReport() |
Submit the selected option to report User success/Fail as a response.
For Fetching TimeLine Details
API Class : ActivityTimelineInteractor
Method : getTimeLineDetails()
Used to get the user activity details (like/share/comment counts) of the logged in user.
API Request - NA
API Response:
- Response Object : TimelineUserDetails
- Message: It is a simple string message
- StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
- Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
- data : it returns timeline related data i.e. like/share/comment counts
For Fetching Video list of User Activity
API Class : ActivityTimelineInteractor
Method : getTimeLineVideoList()
It returns a list of videos based on parameters( like, comment and share) Ex: list of liked videos, list of shared videos or commented on videos.
API Request:
- Request Object : TimelineProfileParams
- Parameters
- event: (like,comment,share)
- limit: How many videos you want in a single response
- offset: it's the current page/offset
API Response:
- Response Object : TimelineVideoList
- Message : It is a simple string message
- StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
- Success : It returns boolean value, (true/false)
- data : it returns video list
For Content Like Unlike Event
API Class : ActivityTimelineInteractor
Method : updateContentLike()
Used to like/unlike the content for the logged in user. These events can be fetched via getTimeLineVideoList() method of Activity Timeline SDK.
API Request:
- Request Object : TimelineProfileParams
- Parameters
- event: like/unlike
- assetId: assetId/videoId
- metakeys: MetakeyData object
API Response:
- Response Object : VideoUserEvent
- Message: It is a simple string message
- StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
- Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
For Content Share Event
API Class : ActivityTimelineInteractor
Method : postContentShareEvent()
Used to log the share event on the content for the logged in user. These events can be fetched via getTimeLineVideoList() method of Activity Timeline SDK.
API Request:
- Request Object : VideoEventByUserReq
- Parameters
- event: like/unlike
- assetId: assetId/videoId
- metakeys: MetakeyData object
API Response:
- Response Object : VideoUserEvent
- Message : It is a simple string message
- StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
- Success : It returns boolean value, (true/false)
For Content View Event
API Class : ActivityTimelineInteractor
Method : postContentViewEvent()
Used to log the view event on the content for the logged in user. These events can be fetched via getTimeLineVideoList() method of Activity Timeline SDK.
API Request:
- Request Object : VideoEventByUserReq
- Parameters
- event: like/unlike
- assetId: assetId/videoId
- metakeys: MetakeyData object
API Response:
- Response Object : VideoUserEvent
- Message: It is a simple string message
- StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
- Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
API Class : ActivityTimelineInteractor
Method : getCommentList()
Used to fetch all the posted comments of the particular content for logged in user.
API Request:
- Request Object : CommentParams
- Parameters
- topicId: topicId
- limit: How many videos you want in a single response
- offset: it's the current page/offset
API Response:
- Response Object : Comments
- Message : It is a simple string message
- StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
- Success : It returns boolean value, (true/false)
- data : it return comment related data
API Class : ActivityTimelineInteractor
Method : postContentComment()
Used to post a new comment on particular content by a logged in user.
API Request:
- Request Object : PostCommentReqDto
- Parameters
- description: comment description
- postId: post id (only for comment reply)
- assetId: assetId/videoId
- metakeys: MetakeyData object
API Response:
- Response Object : PostComment
- Message: It is a simple string message
- StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
- Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
- commentInfo : it return comment related data
API Class : ActivityTimelineInteractor
Method : updateContentComment()
Used to edit any existing comment on content of the logged in user.
API Request:
- Request Object : EditCommentReqDto
- Parameters
- description: comment description
- assetId: assetId/videoId
- commentRefId: comment Id
- postId: post id
API Response:
- Response Object : EditComment
- Message : It is a simple string message
- StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
- Success : It returns boolean value, (true/false)
- commentInfo : it returns comment related data
API Class : ActivityTimelineInteractor
Method : deleteContentComment()
Used to delete a comment on content of the logged in user.
API Request:
- Request Object : EditCommentReqDto
- Parameters
- description: comment description
- assetId: assetId/videoId
- commentRefId: comment Id
- postId: post id
API Response:
- Response Object : DeleteComment
- Message: It is a simple string message
- StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
- Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
- commentInfo : it returns comment related data
API Class : ActivityTimelineInteractor
Method : getCommentReplyList()
Used to fetch all replies of any comment in a content.
API Request:
- Request Object : CommentParams
- Parameters
- topicId : topicId(Not Required)
- postId: post id
- limit: How many videos you want in a single response
- offset: it's the current page/offset
API Response:
- Response Object : Comments
- Message : It is a simple string message
- StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
- Success : It returns boolean value, (true/false)
- list: it returns comment related data
API Class : ActivityTimelineInteractor
Method : getCommentReportOptions()
Used to fetch all report options to report a comment so that users can select those options and submit reports using postCommentReport() method.
API Request - NA
API Response:
- Response Object : ReportOptions
- Message: It is a simple string message
- StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
- Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
- data : it returns list of report options for comment
API Class : ActivityTimelineInteractor
Method : postCommentReport()
Used to submit the selected report option to report a comment.
API Request: Params to report comment
- Request Object : TimelineProfileParams
- Parameters
- userId : video owner id
- actingUserId: login user id
- event: report
- type: comment
- postId: comment post id(fetched from comment list API)
- reason: select one option using getReportOptions API