Get Following User list method:
API Class :
Method :
Convenient getter method to get a list of all
following users.
getFollowingUsers (
userId: String,
limit: Int,
offset: Int,
success: @escaping (FollowersModel?) -> (),
failure: @escaping (String, Int) -> ()) -> ()
Requested parameter:
userID: LoggedIn UserId
Limit: record limit
Offset: number of page to get the record
Response Object :
Sound Model Object
- Keys which object have:
id :
content id
businessId :
user id
createdAt :
timestamp to know the creator time of the record
descriptionField :
decxription of the content
deviceId :
device id
deviceType :
device type
email :
user email
followersCount :
user follower count
followingCount :
user following count
fullName :
user full name
planType :
user plan type
profileImageUrl :
user profile image
status :
user status
updatedAt :
timestamp time to last update the content
updatedTimestamp :
timestamp time to last update the content
userId :
userid of the follower content
userName :
user name of the loggedin user
videoCount :
video count of the content
How to call?
userId: userId,
limit: limit,
offset: pageOffset,
success: {
[weak self] followingList in
guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
guard let followingDataList = followingList?.data else { return }
weakSelf.userFollowedByMe.append(contentsOf: followingDataList)
}) { [weak self] error, code in
guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
weakSelf.toastAlertMessage = error