Leaderboard - GluedIn
Leaderboard SDK method
Method Method detail
getLeaderBoard() Convenient getter method to get a list of leaderboard for any particular challenge.
readNotify() Convenient getter/setter method to set the status of read.
  • Get Leaderboard record set method:
    API Class : LeaderBoard
    Method : getLeaderBoard
    Convenient getter method to get a list of leaderboard for any particular challenge.
    public func getNotifyList(
            limit: Int,
            offset: Int,
            success: @escaping (NotificationModel) -> (),
            failure: @escaping (String) -> ())
    Requested parameter:
    limit: limit of data which you wanted to rander in one call
    offset: page index
    • Response Object : FeedDataModel object
    • Keys which object have:
    • actingUserId : content generator user id
    • actingUserProfileImage : content generator user profile image
    • assetId : content id
    • assetType : Content type
    • createdAt : Notification created time
    • discription : description
    • event : event type
    • isRead : notification is read or not
    • userId : user id
    How to call?
                    offset: 1,
                    success: { NotificationDataModel in
                    guard let NotificationDataList = NotificationDataModel?.data else { return }
                }) { [weak self] error, code in
                    guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
  • Read Notification method:
    API Class : AppNotification
    Method : readNotify
    Convenient getter/setter method to set the status of read.
    public func readNotify(
            notificationId: String,
            success: @escaping (NotificationReadModel) -> (),
            failure: @escaping (String) -> ())
    Requested parameter:
    notificationId: Notification id which you get from the notification list method
    • Response Object : FeedDataModel object
    • Keys which object have:
    • isRead : Bool value which notify that you are successful
    • id : id of the content
    How to call?
                    notificationid: notification id,
                    success: { NotificationReadModel in
                    guard let NotificationRead = NotificationReadModel?.data else { return }
                }) { [weak self] error, code in
                    guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
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