Details SDK methods - GluedIn
Details SDK methods
Method Method detail
getHashtagDetails() Convenient getter to get hashtag detail record set.
getChallengeDetails() Convenient getter to get challenge detail recordset.
  • Get Hashtag Detail:
    API Class : discover
    Method : getHashtagDetails
    Convenient getter to get hashtag detail record set.
    public func getHashtagDetails(hashtag: String,
                               limit: Int,
                               offset: Int,
                               success: @escaping (DetailViewData?) -> (),
                               failure: @escaping (String?, Int?) -> ()) -> ()
    Requested parameter:
    Hashtag : hashtag which you wanted to get detail
    Limit: limit of the recordset which you wanted to get from API response
    offset : offset page number index
    • Response Object : Curated Discover Rail Model Object
    • Keys which object have:
    • hashtag : HashtagChallengeModel?
    • classField : class field
    • id : Id to use further
    • backgroundImage : background image for the hashtag detail screen
    • bannerImage : banner image
    • createdAt : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • createdBy : Userid who has created
    • createdTimestamp : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • descriptionField : description of the hashtag
    • hashtagId : hashtag id
    • image : hashtag image
    • isChallenge : is this hashtag is challenge
    • status : Status of hashtag
    • taggedVideos : [UserData]?
    • title : title of the content
    • updatedAt : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • updatedTimestamp : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • videoCount : Count of video
    • videos : [FeedModel]?
    • hashtagTitles : hashtag title
    • shareCount : share cound of hashtag
    • id : Id for further to use
    • categoryId : Category ID
    • commentCount : cound of comment on video
    • createdAt : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • descriptionField : description field
    • follow : is follow
    • likeCount : like count
    • s3Url : s3 URL for further video binding
    • soundId : sound id
    • soundUrl : sound url
    • title : title of the video
    • type : type
    • updatedAt : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • taggedUsers : [UserData]?
    • user : UserData?
    • userId : userid
    • thumbnailUrl : thumbnail to bind with uiimageview
    • videoId : Video Id
    • viewsCount : View count on the video
    • topicId : Topic id from comment list
    • duration : cusration of the video
    • hashtags : [HashtagChallengeModel]?
    • contentType : content type (Video/Image)
    • contentUrls : Content URL for multi size feed
    • downloadUrl : URL to download the content
    • height : height of the video
    • width : width of the video
    • videoUrls : [String]?
    • shoppable : is shoppable
    • products : [ShoppableProduct]?
    • videoIsLike : is like on video
    • status : Status
    • challenge : HashtagChallengeModel?
    • classField : class field
    • id : id of the content
    • backgroundImage : Background image to bind with UIImageView
    • bannerImage : banner image to bind with uiimageview
    • createdAt : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • createdBy : crated user name
    • createdTimestamp : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • descriptionField : description
    • hashtagId : hashtag ID
    • image : Image of the video tag with selected hashtag
    • isChallenge : is challenge
    • status : Status
    • taggedVideos : [UserData]?
    • title : Title video
    • updatedAt : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • updatedTimestamp : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • videoCount : video count
    How to call?
    Detail.sharedInstance.getChallengeDetails(challenge: context.getFilterId(),
                                                limit: context.getPageSize(),
                                                offset: context.getPageOffset()) { [weak self] result in
                    } failure: { [weak self] (error, code) in
                        guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
                        weakSelf.didGetError(errDesc: error ?? "")
  • Get Challenge Detail:
    API Class : discover
    Method : getChallengeDetails
    Convenient getter to get challenge detail recordset.
    public func getChallengeDetails(challenge: String,
                                 limit: Int,
                                 offset: Int,
                                 success: @escaping (DetailViewData?) -> (),
                                 failure: @escaping (String?, Int?) -> ()) -> ()
    Requested parameter:
    Hashtag : hashtag which you wanted to get detail
    Limit: limit of the recordset which you wanted to get from API response
    offset : offset page number index
    • Response Object : Curated Discover Rail Model Object
    • Keys which object have:
    • hashtag : HashtagChallengeModel?
    • classField : class field
    • id : Id to use further
    • backgroundImage : background image for the hashtag detail screen
    • bannerImage : banner image
    • createdAt : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • createdBy : Userid who has created
    • createdTimestamp : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • descriptionField : description of the hashtag
    • hashtagId : hashtag id
    • image : hashtag image
    • isChallenge : is this hashtag is challenge
    • status : Status of hashtag
    • taggedVideos : [UserData]?
    • title : title of the content
    • updatedAt : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • updatedTimestamp : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • videoCount : Count of video
    • videos : [FeedModel]?
    • hashtagTitles : hashtag title
    • shareCount : share cound of hashtag
    • id : Id for further to use
    • categoryId : Category ID
    • commentCount : cound of comment on video
    • createdAt : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • descriptionField : description field
    • follow : is follow
    • likeCount : like count
    • s3Url : s3 URL for further video binding
    • soundId : sound id
    • soundUrl : sound url
    • title : title of the video
    • type : type
    • updatedAt : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • taggedUsers : [UserData]?
    • user : UserData?
    • userId : userid
    • thumbnailUrl : thumbnail to bind with uiimageview
    • videoId : Video Id
    • viewsCount : View count on the video
    • topicId : Topic id from comment list
    • duration : cusration of the video
    • hashtags : [HashtagChallengeModel]?
    • contentType : content type (Video/Image)
    • contentUrls : Content URL for multi size feed
    • downloadUrl : URL to download the content
    • height : height of the video
    • width : width of the video
    • videoUrls : [String]?
    • shoppable : is shoppable
    • products : [ShoppableProduct]?
    • videoIsLike : is like on video
    • status : Status
    • challenge : HashtagChallengeModel?
    • classField : class field
    • id : id of the content
    • backgroundImage : Background image to bind with UIImageView
    • bannerImage : banner image to bind with uiimageview
    • createdAt : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • createdBy : crated user name
    • createdTimestamp : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • descriptionField : description
    • hashtagId : hashtag ID
    • image : Image of the video tag with selected hashtag
    • isChallenge : is challenge
    • status : Status
    • taggedVideos : [UserData]?
    • title : Title video
    • updatedAt : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • updatedTimestamp : Timestamp to recoeginaiose the created date and time
    • videoCount : video count
    How to call?
    Detail.sharedInstance.getChallengeDetails(challenge: context.getFilterId(),
                                                limit: context.getPageSize(),
                                                offset: context.getPageOffset()) { [weak self] result in
                    } failure: { [weak self] (error, code) in
                        guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
                        weakSelf.didGetError(errDesc: error ?? "")
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