Push Notification - GluedIn

func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
Gluedin method which need to call from notification receive protocol method
Below are the defined cases for push notification where we need to open the feed controller with single video:
  • Case: Like
  • Case: Comment
  • Case: Tagging
  • Case: Inactive
// For Card based Feed:
// getVideoFeedType = .card 
// Set isVerticalFeed = 0 in info plist file
public func getFeedViewControllerWithUrlAndVideos(context: PlayerContext?,
      url: String?,
      searchText: String?,
      sourcePageName: String?,
      currentPage: Int?,
      videos: [FeedModel]?,
      index: Int?,
      delegate: FeedDelegate?,
      isBackEnable: Bool?) -> UIViewController? {
// Return could be Vertical and card based on info.plist file setting
// Vertical player
let viewController = routerViewController(viewController: ViewControllers.PlusSAW.verticalFeed, parameters: parameters)
            return viewController
// For card player
let viewController = routerViewController(viewController: ViewControllers.PlusSAW.listingFeed,parameters: parameters)
            return viewController

// Vertical Feed:
public func getVerticalFeedViewControllerWithUrlAndVideos(context: PlayerContext?,
        url: String?,
        searchText: String?,
        sourcePageName: String?,
        currentPage: Int?,
        videos: [FeedModel]?,
        index: Int?,
        delegate: FeedDelegate?,
        isBackEnable: Bool?,
        isMenuEnable: Bool? = true) -> UIViewController? {
    return vertical player controller
Below are the defined cases for push notification where we need to open the user profile controller with single video:
  • Case: Follow the user
    guard let userId = feed?.userId ?? feed?.user?.userId else { return }
        feedModel: feed, 
        profileId: userId, 
        navigationController: navigationController ?? UINavigationController()