- Deprecated Methods
- isCheckUserLogin()
- isSocialLogin()
- userSignIn()
- userSignUp()
- socialSignUp()
- forgetPassword()
- getConfig()
- deleteAccount()
- New Methods
- isUserLoggedIn() - rename method, old name was isCheckUserLogin()
- getLoginType() - Rename method, Old name was isSocialLogin()
- authenticateUser() - Rename method, Old name was userSignIn()
- registerUser() - Rename method, Old name was userSignUp()
- socialLogin() - Rename method, Old name as socialSignUp()
- forgotPassword() - Rename method, Old name was forgotPassword()
- config() - Rename method, Old name was getConfiq()
- deleteUserAccount() - Rename method, Old method name was deleteAccount()
- Deprecated Methods
- getFeed()
- getTopProfile()
- getVideoReportOptions()
- submitVideoReport()
- getAllLikeFeedIds()
- getFeedByUserId()
- New Methods
- getFeedData() - Rename method old name was getFeed()
- getCuratedTopRail() - Rename method old name was getTopProfile()
- getVideosLikeCount() - Rename method old name was getAllLikeFeedIds()
- Deprecated Methods
- getReports()
- submitReport()
- getCommentReports()
- report()
- New Methods
- getVideoReportOptions() - Rename method old name was getReports()
- submitVideoReport() - Rename method old name was submitReport()
- getContentReportOptions() - Rename method, old method name was getCommentReports()
- postContentReport() - Rename method, Old method name was report()
- getVideoReportOptions() - Move method from Feed class
- submitVideoReport() - Move method from feed class
- Deprecated Methods
- getNotifyList()
- readNotify()
- New Methods
- getNotificationsList() - Rename method, old method name was getNotifyList()
- updateNotificationStatus()- Rename method, Old method name was readNotify()
- Deprecated Methods
- callFollowUser()
- getFollowerUsers()
- getFollowingUsers()
- New Methods
- getFollowingUsers
- Deprecated Methods
- getProfileDetails()
- editProfile()
- editProfileImage()
- checkUserName()
- callFollowUser()
- getFollowerUsers()
- getFollowingUsers()
- blockUser() - Move to block class
- blockList() - Move to block class
- blockUsers() - Move to block class
- getTagUserList() - Move to creator Class
- getHashtagAutoSuggestion() - Move to creator class
- New Methods
- getUserDetails - Rename method, Old name was getProfileDetails()
- updateUserProfile - Rename method, Old name was editProfile()
- updateProfileImage - Rename method, Old name was editProfileImage()
- checkUserNameAvailability - Rename method, Old name was checkUserName()
- followUnFollowUser - Rename method, Old name was callFollowUser()
- getFollowerList - Rename method, Old name was getFollowerUsers()
- getFollowingList - Rename method, Old name was getFollowingUsers()
- Deprecated Methods
- New Methods
- blockUnblockUser() - New method coming from profile class
- getUserListBlockedByMe() - New method coming from profile class
- getUserListWhoBlockedMe() - New method coming from profile class
- Deprecated Methods
- getSignedURL()
- getPostVideoCategories()
- postVideoInfoForOneVideoContent()
- getSoundBySearchText()
- postVideoInfoForMultiContent()
- New Methods
- getHashtagSuggestion() - New method coming from profile
- getContentUploadUrl() - Rename method, Old name was getSignedURL()
- getTagFriendList() - New method coming from profile
- getContentUploadCategories() - Rename method, Old name was getPostVideoCategories()
- uploadContent() - Rename method, Old name was postVideoInfoForOneVideoContent()
- getSoundList() - Rename method, Old name was getSoundBySearchText()
- uploadContentMetaData - Rename method, Old name was postVideoInfoForMultiContent()
- Deprecated Methods
- CallLikeUnlikeFeed() - Move to activitytimeline class
- CallShareFeed() - Move to activitytimeline class
- CallViewFeed() - Move to activitytimeline class
- getVideoCommentsList() - Move to activitytimeline class
- callPostComment() - Move to activitytimeline class
- callUpadteComment() - Move to activitytimeline class
- callDeleteComment() - Move to activitytimeline class
- getCommentReply() - Move to activitytimeline class
- New Methods
- Deprecated Methods
- callTimeLine()
- callTimeLineHeader()
- New Methods
- getTimeLineVideoList() - Rename method, old name was callTimeLine()
- getTimeLineDetails() - Rename method, old name was callTimeLineHeader()
- updateContentLike() - Method coming from TimelinePublic class, old name was CallLikeUnlikeFeed()
- postContentViewEvent() - Method coming from TimelinePublic class, old name was CallViewFeed()
- getContentCommentList() - Method coming from TimelinePublic class, old name was getVideoCommentsList()
- postContentComment() - Method coming from TimelinePublic class, old name was callPostComment()
- updateContentComment() - Method coming from TimelinePublic class, old name was callUpadteComment()
- deleteContentComment() - Method coming from TimelinePublic class, old name was callDeleteComment()
- getCommentReplyList() - Method coming from TimelinePublic class, old name was getCommentReply()
- Deprecated Methods
- getLeaderBoard()
- getDiscover()
- getDiscoverCurationDataByRailId()
- getTrendingChallengesSearchList()
- getTrendingHashtagSearchList()
- getDiscoverAllVideosRail()
- getDiscoverCategoriesVideosByCategoryIDRail() - Remove this method
- getDiscoverProfilesRail()
- New Methods
- getChallengeLeaderBoardDetails() - Rename method, Old name was getLeaderBoard()
- getCuratedRailList() - Rename method, Old name was getDiscover()
- getCuratedRailDetails()- Rename method, Old name was getDiscoverCurationDataByRailId()
- getSearchedChallengesList() - Rename method, Old name was getTrendingChallengesSearchList()
- getSearchedHashtagList() - Rename method, old name was getTrendingHashtagSearchList()
- getSearchedVideoList()- Rename method, old name was getDiscoverAllVideosRail()
- getSearchedUserList()- Rename method, old name was getDiscoverProfilesRail()
Timeline Public
Activity Timeline